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Cancellations & Changes

Instructions on how to cancel or modify orders, including conditions for making changes to size or address.

Can I cancel or change my order?

You may request to cancel or modify your order before it's shipped for a full refund or necessary adjustments in sizing or shipping address. However, note that "print-to-order" items have a shorter window for changes due to their 24/7 fulfillment pro

What happens if my request is too late?

We process most requests the morning of the first business day after your order is placed. If your request is late, we may not be able to cancel or change the order, especially for "print-to-order" items. In such cases, you may follow our return poli

Can I change my shipping address?

If you need to change the shipping address, contact us immediately. We'll do our best to accommodate your request if the order hasn't been shipped yet.

Can I modify sizing after placing the order?

Yes, you can request a size change before the order is shipped. If this results in a change in cost, we'll handle it through a partial refund or additional payment link.